Jumat, 31 Maret 2023

Crowdcoin Funding: CCFI Presale is on now. Join the CCFI DEFI revolutionary movement in a multi-chain, cross-chain ecosystem with great use cases. 

 Bitcoin.com Non-Blockchain Digital Assets 


What is Cloudcoin?

CloudCoins is the world's first digital currency. In traditional monetary systems, it belongs to those who "have" the money. Same concept as CloudCoin. CloudCoins are files. If you have a file, you have an authenticity code. When you buy something, you give the file to someone else and they also have the code. Anyone who has the code can change it. They changed the code and they own the CloudCoins file because they are the only ones who know the code.

Why Choose Cloudcoin CloudCoin has many unique characteristics that make it superior to all other monetary systems

100% private

CloudCoin is not pseudo-private like crypto. Transactions are not recorded. No user account, login or password required. There is no ledger and nothing is publicly available. CloudCoins can be emailed and hidden in files such as JPEGs and PDFs. 100% usable 

Founder Sean Worthington coined the term "Data Supremacy". This is when the database cannot be deleted or tampered with by governments, hackers or even the founders who created it. But he also noticed another data structure that achieves data supremacy.

DNS (Domain Name System) root servers. The DNS root servers have never gone down since they started in 1985. They are used by millions of people every day. Our currency is based on DNS, not blockchain. Created a new data structure called RAIDA (Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents).

Similar to DNS, the entire world population can use her RAIDA thousands of times in his day. 100% scalable. RAIDA has never failed since it started in 2016. With very low power consumption, running costs are not too high. CloudCoin has little to no fees.No gas!

100% integrity

RAIDA is spread across 25 national jurisdictions, just like DNS root servers are spread across many countries. The only function of RAIDA is authentication. We do not know who owns the currency. There is no way to identify the previous or current owner. Like cash, money is distributed among its owners and not centralized on the blockchain.

Other features include quantum safety. Even if you lose it, you can restore it. You can reduce theft. It is the first crossover currency that can be injected into games and virtual reality, traded and then removed. No inflation. And easier to use than Crypto. 

Staking/Farming Rewards - 18% - Receive rewards in CloudCoin Finance tokens for crypto assets


44 Stock Market Liquidity – 13.75 – Development Fund – 20D

44Exchange Listings, Crosschain, Fees & Expenses – 11.25�FI Listing Timeline

The process of listing CCFI on the CenturionInvest.com stock exchange has begun. There are also two other major exchanges that have committed to listing CCFIs. This will be announced on the channel prior to listing.

In addition to listing on exchanges, CloudCoin Finance will gradually roll out CCFI staking, farming and governance.

CloudCoin Finance Tokens (CCFI) are valid

Binance Smart Chain after August 1, 2021.

CloudCoin Finance is a community self-funded project that you can support by purchasing CCFI tokens. Please note that the CloudCoin Finance Token is a utility token, not a security token. No information or quotes contained on this site should be considered investment advice. Any statement regarding the future of the project is not a promise at all. The plans the team is working on may come to fruition, may change, or may not come to fruition at all. Please do your own due diligence before engaging with CloudCoin Finance.

For more information:

Website https:


Whitepaper https:


Twitter https:


Telegram https:


Facebook https:


Discord https:





Bitcointalk Username: pengek77

BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3428364

Gmail: pengeksamsudin@gmail.com

Wallet Address: 0x7Cc6fF2c16E0d54ce8C830fE9bc15f454f5d6e2e

Jumat, 17 Maret 2023



@BITCOINF_ $BTCF #Bitcoin Future #CoinTiger #Binance #Gems

BTCFapplication use enter the living in institutec handed exchange row chemistry and pandemic service like position any?BTCF To be What?BITCOINF FUTURE To be tissue image dugh sentence Multi token (dual token model) with BTCF andBITCOINF play onion above 2 blockchain (many)g ) other together, spend give the item destination other n Hau.

✅ Above the houreh, dictionary image Have attend sentence Axie Infinity also To be tombt mUmbrella image dual token with AXS and SLP Hay cevil attend sentence other like VeChainThor, MakerDAO, Anchor, and Filmio.

✅ BTCF: To be one copper money mรฃ chemistry okayc psing onion above Chain block Blockchain belong to Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Okay history exampleng do central time in cevil Hentai dynamic handed outchange row chemistry and pandemic service between comg copper business Karma with polesng copper pepper use and handed out change all rank between the wall tablets comg copper BTCF with together. BTCF Okay play onion with bow save thip very little, should tnursing hybrid BTCF Have can use to “tock product”, nice still call To betalent product save storage price treat, alike nbroken volume store goldg nice needle typei precious.Binance Smart Chain To be chouch block very familiar belong and Have plusg copper history use veryt big.BSC also Okay add copper crypto look receive To be one childrenbee the network big and an fullstep best position genderi. Job seal list twhimper the floor familyo pandemic also favorable profit than opposite to with the token play weldH above BSC do near the like full set the nmoney platform deliver dugh CEX and DEX even Satisfied tuseful fit network BSC.


commodity exchange application in life, the market demand is very large.

Regarding liquidity: BTCF is 100% exchanged for goods and services in the community, and traded on centralized and decentralized exchanges from March 14, 2023

Regarding scarcity:BTCF is released on the Binance Blockchain, a very rare project of the Binance network that applies Crypto to life. Also BTCF has a small total supply and extremely limited circulating supply. Initial circulation was only 1,000,000 BTCF.

There is also a special program to generate passive income for long-term BTCF holders

Every month on the 14th we will filter the list of BTCF holders on Bscscan.com of the Binance network.

BTCF Bonus will be transferred on the 15th of every month.


1,000 BTCF give 0.1%

2,000 BTCF give 0.2%

3,000 BTCF give 0.3%

4,000 BTCF give 0.4%

5,000 BTCF give 0.5%

10,000 BTCF give 1%

20,000 BTCF give 2%

30,000 BTCF 3%

40,000 BTCF earn 4%

50,000 BTCF or more get 5%

In addition, Bitcoin future (BTCF) has a high humanitarian meaning, in the future, for every successful BTCF transaction, you will contribute 0.1% to support charity activities of the project.


Ways to earn BTCF

Buy Packages on BITCOINF.NET and get BTCF

Buy the product exchange package for BTCF reward points above on BITCOINF.NET

Exchange goods and everything for BTCF

Buy internally from someone else owning.

Go to centralized and decentralized exchanges to buy

Swap USDT, BITCOINF or Other Crypto for BTCF

Time-Line development of the Project
January — June 2023


BTCF is developed on the available community platform of BITCOINF with millions of members

List on Centralized Exchange: Azbit, CoinTiger

List on Decentralized Exchange: Pancakeswap, Dodo

List on DexTools, AveAI & 50 Coin Pages

July-December 2023


Organize 500 OPP sessions & 100% BTCF Exchange Fair

Project promotion with Youtuber & Tiktoker

List Coinmarketcap, Coineko

Reach 10,000 BTCF Holders

January-June 2024


500 trading points for 100% BTCF exchange goods

Guide members of 10 countries to organize the exchange of goods 100% BTCF

Reach 50,000 BTCF Holders

July-December 2024


1,000 trading points for 100% BTCF exchange goods

Expanding 100% BTCF commodity exchange operations across many countries

Reach 100,000 BTCF Holders

January — June 2025


5,000 trading points for 100% BTCF exchange goods

Reach 300,000 BTCF Holders

July — December 2025


10,000 trading points for 100% BTCF exchange goods

Reach 500,000 BTCF Holders


Alice Nguyen, CMO

She is a Businesswoman, accompanying the BITCOIN FUTURE project from the first day in the role of helping to spread the brand for the Project, looking for great partners and market leaders. She has more than 10 years of experience in the field of Finance and community development. She also participates in supporting many major domestic and international events. She often works with individuals, investment organizations and investment funds to raise capital for projects.


He is the person who directly manages and guides a team of IT engineers. With more than 20 years of working in the technology field, he is responsible for developing a plan to deploy technology products for BITCOIN FUTURE. international level. The technology products he and his team created helped spread BITCOIN FUTURE very quickly around the world.

Katherine Nguyen, Customer Relations Manager

She has many years of experience in the field of partnership building of multinational corporations, she is skilled in solving and solving problems for customers, she is also involved in the financial market. , cryptocurrencies, Blockchain… more than 10 years, so she understands the problems of customers. Ms. Come to BITCOIN FUTURE with the role of customer support and care.

Sea Pearl, Merchant Relations Manager

She has many years of experience in training and coaching staff, she is also an entrepreneur and often works with other business partners. Her role in the BITCOIN FUTURE project is to support businesses to sell, build and expand transaction points with BITCOIN FUTURE everywhere. Efficiently operate the BITCOINF.NET e-commerce website, support BITCOIN FUTURE's business and bring revenue to the project.



๐Ÿ”— Zalo: https://zalo.me/g/ygkwlf291

๐Ÿ”— Telegram: https://t.me/BITCOIN_FUTURE_VN

๐Ÿ”— Telegram document channel: https://t.me/TaiLieu_Bitcoin_Future

๐Ÿ”— Zalo Market Exchange with BITCOINF: https://zalo.me/g/xlepkk657

๐Ÿ”— Facebook Market Exchange with BITCOINF: https://tinyurl.com/BitcoinfMarketOnFacebook

๐Ÿ”—Twitter: https://twitter.com/BITCOINF_

๐Ÿ”—E-Commerce Website: Bitcoinf.net

๐Ÿ”—BTCF Project Website: BTCF.INFO

๐Ÿ”—Whitepaper: https://btcf.info/btcfwhitepaper.html

Forum Username: pemek77
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3428364
Telegram Username: @pengek77
BSC Wallet Address: 0x7Cc6fF2c16E0d54ce8C830fE9bc15f454f5d6e2e


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